Thursday, 25 August 2016

Know your Career from a Vedic Chart

It is not a very easy task to pinpoint a particular career in astrology. Maximum numbers of times, people are searching best career prospects in astrology and more often than not, they run into the recommendation which suggests analyzing the 10th house of astrology that actually carries only 20 % significance in indicating the prospects of the potential career field. The position of the Lord of the 10th house in various houses and the planets that aspect the 10th house alongside other important factors  also have a marked influence on tendency to choose particular fields.

The various aspects of astrology only help to determine the passion and obsession of a person in his or her life. In Vedic Astrology, these aspects related to a person’s career are determined by his or her divisional chart. The divisional charts represent the main areas connected to an individual’s life. For example to gain an insight into the married life aspect of your life, one has to deeply analyze the 7th house of the horoscope with the help of navmansa or D-9 chart. 

In career, the predictions are made on the basis of the Dasmasa or the D-10 chart. Opening this chart gives a fairly deep analysis of the implications of the 10th house and illustrates the details about a person’s life. However, only the analysis of the chart is not sufficient. One should also consider the obsession and natural inclinations of a person. A successful career is the result of persistent effort and following one’s goal with earnestness.

Rahu is the signifactor of obsession.  The placement of Rahu in terms of house and sign suggests the potential obsessions of the person. Besides Rahu, other significant planets, their placement, other houses and combinations need to be analyzed. For example, if a person has the planet Mars in the 10th house, it would not imply that the person should be in a profession related to a martial field like police, military, surgeon or related fields. The person could also turn out to be a writer or dramatist! In this case, the person has Venus and Mercury placed in the 5th house (house of creativity) and the Sun is placed in the 3rd house (house of communication).  The position of Rahu is in the 2nd house (house of voice). The complete situation has to be taken into account before a conclusion is made.

The ‘nakshatra’ in which a person is born reflects what he or she has ordained from nature or more specifically his or her own karmas done prior to birth. However, it is just like a hardware which is received in a particular state depending upon the kind of investment in the past. However, you can still upgrade it to new levels later on. On the other hand, if we misuse the given equipment, then you can end up having too many viruses and crashing the original instrument or system. Similar to this is the significance of free will. Nonetheless, in case of human beings, the free will exists to the extent of 35%. The remaining 65 % is the pre-destined results of past actions collectively known as ‘prarabdha’.

Let us discuss the relation between astrological attributes and free-will considering this example. If someone is born in Gemini and the horoscope shows an exalted Moon. Thus, with this hypothetical situation, the person acquires a magnetic personality, a pleasing personality that gets popular amongst friends, good communicative powers and attractiveness to opposite sex. Now, a man can use these characteristics for indulging in playboy activities, ending up like a Casanova involved in just partying around. But, in case, you have had some training of mind for enhancing discerning qualities, you would have a higher goal in life and can use these very qualities for becoming a popular poet, writer or a journalist or even a spiritualist! Yes, why not? You can also have a successful marketing profession. It all depends on how you use what you have.

If you want a personal analysis of your horoscope for finding out what kind of career your stars are favoring and if what kind of promotional prospects you should expect in your present career, taking a sound advise form learned Indian Astrologer in NYC would  serve you really helpful. Having an online consultation with this Indian Astrologer in USA would definitely help you out!